• coronavirus

    Exponential Growth and the Coronavirus

    As a high school math teacher, I have absolutely no training in thinking about the spread of infectious diseases like the coronavirus. However, looking at numbers is what I do on an everyday basis, both professionally as a math teacher as well as with money in my personal life.  Unfortunately, the numbers are telling me that the coronavirus is going to get pretty bad. 

  • Rice

    Preparing for the Coronavirus Without Breaking the Bank

    As my friends and family know, I´m a pretty laid back guy. I am also generally optimistic, believing that things will always work out even in the face of difficult odds. However, I also think that it makes sense to be prepared. Just like you, I don´t know if the COVID-19 coronavirus will affect many people in the United States or whichever country you live in. But I also know that we will be happy to be prepared if it does impact the area that we live in.