• Meeting

    How Much Does This Evil Meeting Cost?

    Have you ever been sitting in a meeting thinking that it is a pointless waste of time? "Why am I here," you may ask yourself. And even worse, often a meeting takes the place of very important work that you could be doing. You even could be doing tasks that would significantly help your company. Maybe even make your company money. But instead, you are sitting in this boring meeting. Honestly, we've all been there. As a matter of fact, I am sitting in one of those meetings right now. Depending on your corporate culture, you may even go to dozens of these meetings per month. Not only is this…

  • 2 Futures and 1 Big Choice

    The year is 2039. Over the past 20 years we have seen the dawn of driverless cars. We have watched as a small colony is established on Mars. And robots; robots are everywhere now! Helping us clean. Shopping for us. Even embedded in our body.

  • How Much Does Your Drive to Work Cost?

    I have a long drive to work. Actually, I have a very long drive. - My drive is so long, that I am the only person in my town who is awake when I leave. - My drive is so long, that I am able to listen to 3 podcasts and an entire book during it. - My drive is so long, that I learned how to fluently speak Japanese during one snowy day last winter. Okay ... perhaps I exaggerate a bit, but I feel like I am driving forever!