• Compound interest is a big deal

    How Does Compound Interest Work?

    We have all heard that compound interest can help us become wealthy. Even Albert Einstein knew this when he famously said: "Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it . . . he who doesn't . . . pays it." But unless you remember the lessons from your high school Algebra classes, you may not really understand how compound interest works. Don't worry, I'm here for you! Not only will this article help you to understand exactly how compound interest works, but it will also show you the power of compound interest by using a few examples.

  • Wealth

    9 Extremely Easy Ways to Become a Millionaire

    In last week's article, I wrote a bunch of lies. Instead of focusing on becoming rich, we should focus on frugal analogs to wealth (whatever that means) and finding happiness through our relationships with others. What a bunch of crap! You and I both know that we really just want to become filthy, stinking rich. We want a solid gold fountain in our front yard, a 400 foot long yacht, and 12 homes on 4 different continents. Who cares about relationships? Once we are rich, we will have thousands of "friends."